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&Premium No. 135












Building Frame of the House 

This small architecture is one big room.

There is not much separation wall inside, and the space is created by the floor, building frame walls and steps.

The house is for a married couple. They have vague boundary between their private and work life, therefore they were imagining a house where they can work anywhere and where they can sense the presence of each other wherever in the house. With such lifestyle, rather than to have a small spaces for a compact living, instead the house was designed to have large air volume and scale that makes various interactions of inside and outside space. This led to the idea of the house of frame which is strong but flexible, where it allows a liberal way of living. 

The north side wall in the building has skewed to create a space that connects to the adjacent vacant site. Along that wall, the heights and depth of each floor had adjusted throughout the building. These misaligned 3 walls and 7 floor slabs with different heights and depths overlap to each other without breaking up its top and bottom end. This structure creates openings that bring in natural light and breeze, but by avoiding views into other houses. There is no opening to the south side, thus strong sunlight does not penetrate inside. However natural light reaches in all day from over the north side wall, allowing rich senses of time, weather, and season changes. As it goes further back in the house, where its more distanced from the openings, service functions such as kitchen and bathroom are located. In contrast, as it approaches to the front road, the openings get wider and bigger, getting closer to outside. In middle for a big city, the site itself is not big enough to create garden or balcony with adequate space. Instead, this house is designed to have large openings that makes the inside space like garden or balcony when its fully opened. 

The floors do not fully function with one piece alone, as for how small each of they are, but it shows its complete potential when its used along with other displaced floors. It turns into a seat, table, shelve, ceiling. There is almost no place that has dedicated use, and the entire space in the house are made with relationship of misaligned floors. By first entering from the front door and as it proceeds up, it gives a sense of gradational shifts of the space. By placing human scaled stairs and furniture inside of a strong and large ancient building like structure of reinforced concrete, the building suits for human use, and moreover it aims to create affluent experience that exceeds that of its functional suit alone. 
This simple structure of offsetting wall and laying floors in different heights allows them to interact to each other, which made it possible to create openness that seems much more than the actual total floor area of 60m2. This is a one big room built as a result of a reality of living in a city center and a possibility of a small site. The things at far away and close things coexist, and sometimes its separate and sometimes its repetitive. This relationship is formed into a structure, and into a home.